Janvāris 3., 2006
f | 22:01 - .par lietām. Dažreiz es nevaru saprast, - tā bija, vai arī man ir pārāk spilgta iztēle. Dzert mazāk vajag, sieviete.
It’s a
strange day
No colours or shapes
No sound in my head
I forget who I am
When I’m with you
There’s no reason
There’s no sense
I’m not supposed to feel
I forget who I am
I forget
Fascist baby
Utopia, utopia
My dog needs new ears
Make his eyes see forever
Make him live like me
Again and again
I’m wired to the world
That’s how I know everything
I’m super brain
That’s how they made me
Bet nevajag pārspīlēt.
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