Augusts 31., 2017
f | 08:51 āzijas filmām ir tāds raksturiņš, ka dažkārt apraksts ir fantastisks, bet skatīties gandrīz nav iespējams. un rekur ir memoir of a murderer, kas pievilināja mani ar vārdiem, ka "plot is about a former serial killer with Alzheimer's who fights to protect his daughter from her psychotic serial killer boyfriend". Byeong-soo, a retired serial killer, lives a quiet life with his
daughter Eun-hee, who has cared for him ever since his Alzheimer’s
diagnosis. When Eun-hee brings home her new boyfriend Tae-joo,
Byeong-soo realizes Tae-joo is also a serial killer. To save his
daughter, Byeong-sop must fight Tae-joo as well as his own mind.
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