Janvāris 9., 2015
11:34 When asked if the word hipster means anything anymore, Carrie Brownstein said: </p>"You know, I feel like hipster is
one of those terms that no one ever knew exactly what it meant. It
plays into everyone’s insecurities of someone else being cooler than
they are, or trying to be cooler than they are. I always felt the term
was insufficient in this way. To me, it was like, “Describe something
that you yourself felt like you couldn’t pull of.” It felt sort of
derogatory, but at the same time, there was the element of, “Should I be wanting to do that?”"
kā bītniki. visi zin, kas tie bija, visi zin, kad tie bija, bet pricipā vēsturnieki saka, ka viņu nebija, tas viss tāds liels joks bijis.
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