Augusts 19., 2010
09:55 sarēķinot, cik es esmu samaksājusi šuvējai par pāršūšanu pēdējā gada laikā, ziniet, man nešķiet, ka es būtu baigi ietaupījusi uz jaunu drēbju pirkšanu. what you spend is what you spend.
10:07 - : no new york times "(10 )things to talk about this weekend" North Korea opens Twitter account, calls South Korea a “prostitute.” South Korea retaliates by tweeting Kim Jong-il’s cellphone number.
10:21 - : kas notiek ar 20+ ? The 20s are a black box, and there is a lot of churning in there.
One-third of people in their 20s move to a new residence every year.
Forty percent move back home with their parents at least once. They go
through an average of seven jobs in their 20s, more job changes than in
any other stretch. Two-thirds spend at least some time living with a
romantic partner without being married. And marriage occurs later than
ever. The median age at first marriage in the early 1970s, when the baby
boomers were young, was 21 for women and 23 for men; by 2009 it had
climbed to 26 for women and 28 for men, five years in a little more than
a generation.
vot, vot.
10:54 - : who what wear pētījumu vārdā: Poll #17654 : undies
Open to: All, results viewable to: Allkādai apakšveļai dod priekšroku?
21:42 - : pirmskāzu drudzis much? tagad, blakus vispārtradicionālajai problēmai ar nosaukumu "nav, ko vilkt!" jeb "kā lai izvēlas, ko vilkt?", pievienojas klāt arī tā, kas saucas "kur lai ellē ratā to visu saliek?"
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