Janvāris 8., 2007
13:24 - minimālisma tieksme. fresh & clean ēdu cepumus, spaidu podziņas un domāju kā tag'us izdzēst uz pavisam m?
19:25 - to the cinema. wisemen oh, i'd just love to go to the cinema and enjoy a beautiful movie so much oh, i'd love to do it so much i could marry the one who'd take me to one (if he'd be the one)
good, that i can go alone i'd have to get married otherwise but it's not me - look who's alone now, it's not me, it's not me -
who's getting married this year austra, 'aight?
then again - you never know.
+ children of men + volver
un vēlreiz: + x-men 3 + 007: casino royale + pirates of the caribbean: dead man's chest ("ship is freedom") (i once thought the movie was so about us; have to see it again, to make sure) + miami vice ("time is luck")
19:31 - the big sleep and ill-being weekend. a dream mēs vārtījāmies pa zemi pie autoostas un tu teici:
- es pat atstāju viņam zīmīti, lai viņš vasarā dāvina tev puķes no manis.
es noliku tevi uz lāpstiņām un, pieliekusies tuvu klāt, čukstus pajautāju:
- nahujam tu brauc prom?
piecēlos un ātri gāju pretējā virzienā prom.
19:31 - saved messages. during the ill-being weekend love is a shield to hide behind 00:14:14 05.01.2007.
19:32 - a piece of writing i don't understant. partly. about going away. leaving. going on "just for fun."
i can find a place for every thing and creature in This Story, exept for myself. in the beginning i thought that i'm the one who's moving on, but now it appears completely different. opposite, that is. i haven't moved on. people get married, go away... leave. oh, i knew you would go someday. i knew that you would leave. and i knew i wouldn't be ready.
complaining won't stop the rain, anyway.
it's impossible to express how difficult it is to accept the fact, that you either don't care and would easily leave or that you have really started to believe that it is so
and so it is, just like you said it would be (life goes easy on me most of the time) - the blowers daughter. damien rice
all you need is trust. believe in trust.
living is believing - smoke. natalie imbruglia
shoot me.
19:34 - the truth. the awful. the awful truth. it's right before your eyes.
d'ya look at it?
19:35 - nenokārtotās attiecības. spoku pilsēta ieraugi spoku, apzinies tā klātbūtni un atbrīvo to (c) samantha
when you see a ghost, you can feel it (c) carrie
aiden - now you want the cake? carrie - i've never not wanted it.
tas pārvēršas viņā spoks - realitātē
i touch no one to be touched
nevajag skart, lai skartu tevi skar nevienu, lai taptu skarts
tā vietā, lai pievilktu, tu vēl vairāk palaid vaļā
mēģināju visādi informēt nesanāca so i go
a state of no attachmentos needed
i have nothing
un ja būtu striķi tik un tā nepievilktu to, kam mani nevajag jo tā man nemaz nevajag man vajag tikai dzirdēt dzirdēt tieši
viņš ar to programmu nemaz nav strādājis
any excuse will serve a tyrant.
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