: who's that girl? - Komentāri

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Februāris 16., 2011

Your Height Says You're Optimistic
Nū.. nezinu. Varbūt dažreiz.

You are a confident, ambitious, and active person.
Kaut kā esmu viss pretējais šeit uzskaitītajam :D Slinkot, piemēram, baigi patīk. Ambīcijas = 0.

You are also very radiant. You have a sunny personality.
Ahahaha. Sunny my ass.

You are quite successful. You are a smart worker - not a hard worker.
At times, you can be vain and cocky. You have a lot to be proud of.

Saksesful iekš kā? Būtu vismaz skaidri pateikuši, man tagad cītīgi jādomā, kur slēpjas mans saksess :/ Par vain gan piekrītu.

You are about as tall as the average French woman.
Nu ar šito gan nestrīdēšos, franču sievietes nepazīstu :]

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