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Februāris 24., 2010

[info]f11:20 - : visa sāls
rekur mūsu aizokeānijas kaimiņi plāno samazināt uzturā sāli jau produktu pirmsākumos, t.i., fabrikās etc. un tad nu the new york times apspēlē iespējamos gala iznākumus:

a) more than 44,000 deaths would be prevented annually
c) hundreds of millions of people would be subjected to an experiment with unpredictable and possibly adverse effects
e) americans would get even fatter than they are today

"nekad nederi pret to, ka amerikāņu vidukļi varētu kļūt resnāki, jo īpaši, ja ir iesaistīti eksperti. jo vairāk eksperti cenšas glābt amerikāņus, jo resnāki viņi kļūst."

"When you reduce salt you reduce blood pressure, but there can also be other adverse and unintended consequences. As more data have accumulated, it’s less and less supportive of the case for salt reduction, but the advocates seem more determined than ever to change policy."
(c) the new york times

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