[Dec. 13th, 2008|11:18 pm] |
[ | mood |
| | happy and fuck off You | ] |
[ | music |
| | nekas. būs md house. | ] | šodien man bija mans mīļākais kontrolieris. ~6as reizes ir ir bijis. katreiz ko jauku pasaka. domāju uzrakstīt vēstulīti un iedot kkā, kad atkal iekāps. "paldies, jaunkundzīt!" ^________________^ . tāpat kā mēs uzrakstījajām jaukajai oficiantei doublecoffe. žēl, ka nebija ko atstāt dzeramnaudā, bet vismaz dabūja komplimentus un zīmīti no sirds ;D . man liekas, ka tas bija tas pats vakars, kad iemetu pa ceļam uz čiekurkalnu franču vārdnīcā ieliktu zīmīti meitenei balkonā ^^ . vispār smuki šovakar nāk visādas asociācijas. ļoti jauks vakars ^^ . ar mandarīniem, piparkūkām, meloņu sulu, mehānisko zīmuli un filmu* ^^ . un tūliņ jauno hausu skatīšos ^_^ .
*kā izrādās - man ir ļoti tuvs angļu humors ^_^ . dikti jauka filma - keeping mum.
"Walter Goodfellow (Rowan Atkinson), the well meaning vicar of the parish of Little Wallop, is so obsessed with writing the perfect sermon that he is oblivious to his wife Gloria's (Kristin Scott Thomas) dalliance with her brash golf instructor Lance (Patrick Swayze); neither does he notice that his daughter Holly has a different boyfriend every week, and his young son Petey is the whipping boy for the school bullies. Gloria feels her life is spiralling out of control. She is sick of the incessant barking of the dog next door, her loveless marriage and her adolescent kids' escapades - she prays every night for salvation. Enter Grace (Maggie Smith), the answer to the family's prayers: a sweet grey haired old lady, the charming and discreet new housekeeper, who has her own unique definition of keeping house - and a very unusual way of solving problems."
nu, bišķiņ storylains, bet tas - a very unusual way of solving problems - ha ha. |