
Feb. 2nd, 2009 | 06:50 pm
From:: este

Valsts Robežsardzes lapas angļu valodas versija ir satriecoši tieša un kodolīga. Izskatās, ka angļu valodā ir tieši viens teksts, un tas ir šis:

It is forbidden to enter into the Republic of Latvia to third countries nationals who enter into the Republic of Latvia with valid Passport without valid visa if he or she has also invalid Passport with valid visa because it is breaking requirements of 1st and 2nd points of 1st part of 4th article of the Immigration Law.

(c: http://www.rs.gov.lv/index.php?setlang=1)

Ja gribētu iztulkot diezvai varētu, galvenais, ka TIE TUR ĀRĀ saprot.

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