Aug. 25th, 2008 | 10:55 pm
From:: este
Roger Ebert spēle:
"Sometimes I play a game in my life, which consists of returning to an exact place and time and duplicating an exact action.
Here I am again, I think, following my own footsteps. This cafe, on a rainy morning in Paris in the winter. The same waiter, the same order, the same book in my hand. And next year I will do this again."
Vai nav laba ideja? Man liekas ļoti laba. Izdomāšu tik, kuru mirkli.
"Sometimes I play a game in my life, which consists of returning to an exact place and time and duplicating an exact action.
Here I am again, I think, following my own footsteps. This cafe, on a rainy morning in Paris in the winter. The same waiter, the same order, the same book in my hand. And next year I will do this again."
Vai nav laba ideja? Man liekas ļoti laba. Izdomāšu tik, kuru mirkli.