December 18th, 2009

Examined life

Filmas "Žižek" veidotāja Astra Teilore radījusi jaunu kino darbu par filosofiem "Examined Life"(*. Jāatzīst, ka arī šajā filmā neiztikt bez tādiem/-ām "šovmeņiem/-nēm", kā, piemēram, Žižeks un Batlere, kas pazīstami ar saviem radikālajiem un skandalozajiem priekšnesumiem masu medijos.

"Part of the fun of “Examined Life” comes from watching these very intelligent people try to make themselves intelligible." Vairāk - šeit.

(* - "pilns raksts nākamajā ziņā"(*

Thinkers in Transit, Philosophy in Motion

Iepriekšējās ziņas raksts:

NYTimes: Thinkers in Transit, Philosophy in Motion

In “Examined Life,” the Princeton professor Cornel West, above, speaks to the film’s director, Astra Taylor from the back seat of a car in New York rush hour

WHEN the documentary filmmaker Astra Taylor speaks of a cinema of ideas, she means it more literally than most. Her first film, “Zizek!” (2005) accompanied the Slovene philosopher Slavoj Zizek on a lecture tour. Her second, “Examined Life,” opening Wednesday at the IFC Center, recruits a wide array of thinkers and theorists to muse out loud about the role of philosophy in our lives, playing off the Socratic observation that “the unexamined life is not worth living.”
By DENNIS LIM, Published: February 20, 2009

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