Kate ([info]es_esmu_dzhims) wrote on August 12th, 2013 at 10:40 am
[10:35:18] Kate: a little gossiping for Monday's morning - do you know why Peter fired his secretary?
[10:35:50] Eduardo Benito: Karen?
[10:36:04] Kate: Yes, I guess that's her name
[10:36:25] Eduardo Benito: It's well documented that she made many mistakes and was not easy to work with.
[10:36:47] Kate: oh
[10:36:53] Eduardo Benito: In addition, she did not keep things confidential (she had access to HR information about staff and would talk about it to other people)
[10:37:04] Eduardo Benito: And, personally, I found her incredibly annoying.
[10:37:11] Kate: haha, ok then
[10:37:20] Eduardo Benito: And she was unnecessarily ugly.
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