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Saturday, January 31st, 2009

    Time Event
    OH GAWD THIS IS BAD THIS BAD THIS IS REALLLYYYY BAADDDDDFANGIRLING OVER MILO VENTIMIGLIA IS EATING MY BRAINNNN (SYLAR reference#1) XO SQUEE IM IN-LOVE! >_< its the stubbles i tell ya! ( anything with stubbles makes me fangurl.. dogs with stubbles, carrots with stubbles, 5 year old boys with stubbles O_o)(i dreamed of him last night and the two of us we're like some powerful beings, and lovers in our past life *grins* that will save the earth from some evil thingy! i swear it was just like some movie, effects and all! I woke-up & wrote what had happen! I'll probably make it into a one-shot comics :D)So i've been hooked with American (TV, music & BOYS) stuff nowadays, i even forgot watching anime (except blood+) & jdramas ^^; No japanese or anything asian for more than a week! NOW that is something O.o ...and also, I've been working real hard. I'm making an actual magazine because the art director resigned and now i'm the one doing the layouts. I'm actually thinking of applying for the position but i'm still confuse if i can really do a great job since it's my first time in the publishing industry, im not that confident you see T_T OH MAN JUST HAVING THE TITLE OF ART DIRECTOR IS AWESOME, DUDE THAT'LL BE LIKE WOW OMG MILO YOUR TOO DISTRACTING WITH YOUR PRETTY FACE & EMO HAIR (WHICH YOU TRIMMED WTF) & STUBBLE PLZ DONT SHAVE O_O *babbles* HAVING HIM AS A DESKTOP WALLPAPER IN MY MAC IS NOT A GOOD IDEA anyways, it will also be a great thing for my future career so WHAT SHOULD I DO?? IM CONFUSEEEEE!! XO;sigh..in connection with emo!Peter Petrelli/Milo Ventimiglia and the tv show HEROES, my love for american music (mostly bands) IS EATING MY BRAIN AGAIN (lol SYLAR reference#2) again. I even made a compilation of songs that i think suits the show & even the characters, they are on repeat in my itunes & the mp3 player in my mobile phone.. DUDE I AM OBSSESSED WITH SHOW PLS FORGIVE MEhh.... I NEED A PETER PETRELLI MESSAGE TONE DARN IT!! HEROES INSPIRED FAN COMPILATION 1. If I Am - Nine Days (Nathan/Peter) 2. Hero/Heroine - Boys like Girls (Heroes cast) 3. Found My Place - Augustana (Heroes cast?) 4. My Hero - Paramore (Molly/Matt, Hiro, Mohinder) 5. Cat and Mouse - Red Jumpsuit Apparatus (Heroes cast, hmm Sylar?) 6. What'll She Look Like - Stephen Speaks (Niki) 7. Unopened letter to the world - The Ataris (Peter) 8. Frailty - Urbandub (Peter) 9. For you to notice - Dashboard Confessional (Peter) 10. Pressure - Paramore (Peter) 11. In This Diary - The Ataris (Claire/Zach) 12. My Heart - Paramore (uh, Nathan/Peter? O_o) 13. Endless,a Silent Whisper - Urbandub (Heroes cast) 14. Waiting - Red Jumpsuit Apparatus (Heroes cast) GAH most of the songs reminds me of emo!Peter (or Nathan/Peter) and YES! I added one Filipino band!! URBANDUB rox if you have any suggestions for other OPM acts pls do tell me :D btw, SONG LINKS WILL BE PROVIDED FOR YOU TO HEAR TEH AWESOMENESS OF IT!! i swear, just give me time :DSEPTEMBER 24 IS TOO LONG GAHHHH XO
    Right now I feel invisible to you....
    Tonight wasn't that great. Sorry. Heather was the best part. She was the one who made me laugh that most. Julia came in 2nd though. I hugged everyone bye and came home. Yelled at my mom beacuse she thinks the way I'm acting now is not good. Yelled at her for teh first time in a while and it felt good. She's all about me just as soon after going out with Mer for almost 2 fucking years to just get up and date other guys but SORRY MOM BUT NO...that's not how it works..::sigh:: okay so here's the story ..yes I've "dated" two guys after Bear but for Bear I backed off both of them...I broke up with him the first two times to make his friends happy and the last time it was my selfishness...and where does it get me NO WHERE. I fucking ry to make others fucking happy instead of my own as always and it always gives me SHIT. That's it no more putting everyone before ME. It's going to be ME ME ME before anyone else. agh..no that's not how it's going to be b/c I always say that and it never happens..oh well I tried.I want to talk to someone tonight. but i don't think I can ...really i don't think I should. it only hurts me. my mom hates merrit now. that sucks. she said he's not allowed in my room anymore. I yelled at her and told her she was ridiculous for even saying that. Why do I take up for him you ask? cause i love him. ::sigh:: but she won't go through with it... I yelled her some more for not being like my friend's parents because I can talk to other's parents so normally but if I talk to her ....it's like trying to... teach the stupidest kid in the world german....ah...well off to chat online to people who care...maybe..

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