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be nice, or.. [Feb. 8th, 2007|06:11 pm]
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I attended the same high school as you, so this is a question you should be uniquely qualified to answer. (By the way, Mr. Anthony still talks about you.) When you meet a man who is a total hottie but also a consummate pussy, how best to seduce him? Alcohol is a good standby, but tends to make the sex bad. Assuming he is willing but a coward, what would you do?

SS: Tell Mr. Anthony hello from his old friend, Sarah. Okay, Anna. Here's my question: Why are you interested in a guy who's a pussy? What's wrong with you? What is up with women who want guys that are pussies? How about a real MAN? How about that? Good-looking pretty boys are for boys. I'm sorry, Anna. But you needed to hear that.

If you are really attracted to a guy but are avoiding getting involved for one of the many reasons we can't always have who/what we want, what is a sure-fire move he could make that would be irresistible?

SS: No woman wants some plotting guy who's trying to get pussy. So, trick her into thinking you're just living your life and having fun and being cool. But do it in front of her. If that doesn't work, then cry in a ball like you usually do.


Like most women, my girlfriend is very self-conscious about her body. When we "do it," she insists on turning the lights out. I love her body and want to actually see it, but no amount of reassurance or pleading will change her mind. How do I convince her to leave the lights on?

SS: Just wondering if maybe it's occurred to you that it's you she doesn't want to see naked? I say keep the lights off. If you need to see her body, get night-vision goggles. Also, that way less of your face will show. It's a win-win!

Comedian/actress Sarah Silverman http://www.avclub.com/content/node/58250/1
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Sugar High [Jan. 25th, 2007|07:24 pm]

When I think about my life, I want to kiss myself goodbye )
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suicide? maybe another day [Jan. 25th, 2007|06:22 pm]
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"I went to rock and roll heaven, and I wasn't on the guest list."

(tā pati persona vēlāk - "I tried to kill myself with a Lady Bic. A pink plastic razor with daisies on it and a moisturizing strip.")

© «Empire Records»

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Tori Amos =Crucify= [Jan. 24th, 2007|03:33 pm]

Everyday I crucify myself, Everyday I crucify myself, Everyday I crucify myself, Everyday I crucify myself, Everyday I crucify myself, Everyday I crucify myself )

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(c) Girl, Interrupted [Jan. 13th, 2007|11:04 pm]

"I know what it's like to want to die. How it hurts to smile. How you try to fit in but you can't. How you hurt yourself on the outside to try to kill the thing on the inside."

"When you don't want to feel... death can seem like a dream. But, seeing death - really seeing it... makes dreaming about it fucking ridiculous."
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last.fm is divine [Jan. 10th, 2007|11:18 am]

Patti Smith =Wave Lyrics=

hi. hi. i was running after you for a long time.
i i was watching you from. . .
actually I've watched you for a long time.
i like to watch you when you're walking
back and forth on the beach.
and the way your the way your cloth looks.
i like i like to see the edges
-the bottom of it-
get all wet when you're walking near the water there.
it's real nice to talk to you.
i didn't. i-i-i-i-i . . . how are you? how are you?
(oh albino)
i saw i saw you from your balcony window
and you were standing there waving at everybody
it was really great because there was about
a billion people there, but when i was waving to you,
uh, the way your face was, it was so, the way your face was
it made me feel exactly like we're
it's not that you were just waving to me, but
that we were we were waving to each other.
really it was really wonderful
i really felt happy
it really made me happy
and. um. i. i just wanted to thank you
you really really you made me
you made me feel good
oh i, it's nothing.
i um. i. well i'm just clumsy.
no, it's just a bandaid.
no, it's ok.
oh no, i'm always doing
something's always happening to me
yeah. well. i'll be seein' ya.
goodbye. bye.

wave thou art pretty.
wave thou art high
wave thou are music
wave thou are white
(oh albino)
(oh albino)
wave thou art high
(wave thou art pretty)
wave to the city
goodbye sir.
goodbye papa.
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la-la-laaa [Dec. 28th, 2006|07:50 pm]

Movie: Weeds
Artist: Mountain Goats
Song: Cotton

This song is for the rats
Who hurled themselves into the ocean
When they saw that the explosives in the cargo hold
Were just about to blow

This song is for the soil
That's toxic clear down to the bedrock
Where no thing of consequence can grow
Drop your seeds there, let them go
Let them go

Let them all go
Let 'em all go

This song is for the people
Who tell their families that they're sorry
For things they can't and won't feel sorry for

And once there was a desk
And now it's in a storage locker somewhere
And this song is for the stick pins and the cottons
I left in the top drawer

Let 'em all go
Let 'em all go

I wanna sing one for the cars
That are right now headed silent down the highway
And it's dark and there is nobody driving
And something has got to give

I saw you waiting by the roadside
You didn't know that I was watching
Now you know
Let it all go

Let 'em all go
Let it all go
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[Dec. 23rd, 2006|05:27 pm]

Everyone lies, nobody minds.
quote from the song Glamorous Glue by Morrissey
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. [Dec. 15th, 2006|07:50 pm]

"My life is a perfect graveyard of buried hopes. That's a sentence I read once and I say it over to comfort myself in these times that try the soul."

Anne Shirley
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MĪLU KARĀTAVU HUMORU [Dec. 13th, 2006|12:04 pm]

"you used to have fiends, you used to be so smart. it's like you just gave up."

" I excel at not giving a shit. Experience has taught me that interest begets expectation and that expectation begets disappointment. So the key to avoiding disappointment is to avoid interest. "

"Bad people are punished by society's law and good people... are punished by Murphy's law."

"I'd say I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not. I excel at not giving a shit. Experience has taught me that interest begets expectation, and expectation beget disappointment, so the key to avoiding disappointment is to avoid interest. A equals B equals C Equals A, or whatever. I also don't have a lot of interest in being a good person or a bad person. From what I can tell, either way, you're screwed. Bad people are punished by society's laws, and good people are punished by Murphy's Law. So you see my dilemma. "

"they kept toasing around words like 'destiny' and 'fate'. word 'choise' was never mentioned, it's because i'didnt have one"

"George: So what's next? Onward and upward?
Rube: Onward not upward. No pearly gates for you, no choirs of angels neither.
George: You dick! You're sending me to hell?!
Rube: Don't flatter yourself. You're not that interesting."

" When I was little my mom told me Santa Claus didn't exist, neither did the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy or the Great Pumpkin. Even though she didn't say so specifically, I just sort of assumed that God didn't either."

"We lead our lives, and when they end, sometimes we leave a little of ourselves behind. Sometimes we leave money, a painting, sometimes we leave a kind word. And sometimes, we leave an empty space. "

"I don't want to fit in, I just don't want to stand out."

"All these f*ing asumptions that society makes, man. It's like, you know; "get a job," "eat food," "live in a house." It's fascism, that is. Absolute f*ing fascism... "

dead like me
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weeeds [Dec. 12th, 2006|03:23 pm]

"Kat: I'm a part of this family !
Nancy: Just because you are crazy, and we are crazy doesn't mean we're related"

"Graduation speech: Greetings Agrestic Elementary School, class of 2006. Hello teachers, parents, step-parents, siblings, boyfriends and girlfriends of parents, assorted relatives, friends of your mom or dad who you call aunt and uncle who really aren't, and Principal Dutch. As I stand before you today, on the brink of junior high, here is what I have to say: YOU HAVE FAILED US ALL. Everything is not okay. We have become alienated, desensitized, angry, and frightened. If we picture Agrestic as an airplane, a grand, soaring jet, carrying us through the sky, I think you all need to understand there are motherf[expletive] snakes on this motherf[expletive] plane.
We are not safe, you move here so that you can feel safe, but your children are not safe."
(c) weeds
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Z [Dec. 3rd, 2006|11:40 am]

download - http://yy.lv/download.php?f=13423

Не стреляйте!
Я всего лишь робкий шаг,
Всего лишь тихий вздох
Перед остановкой.

Не смотрите!
Эти шрамы не про Вас,
Не для Ваших грустных глаз.
Мне неловко.

Не молчите!
В этой рыхлой тишине
Я погибну.
Не молчите!

Copyright © 2005, Zемфира, www.Zemfira.ru


un links http://archive.salon.com/ent/music/feature/2000/02/29/zemfira/
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/ [Dec. 1st, 2006|05:03 pm]

«Sam: I am different.
Harrison: You want to be unique, sure. Just like everyone else.»
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tā esot "tikai" dziesma [Nov. 30th, 2006|01:25 pm]

AFI =Untitled=

We held hands on the last night on Earth
Our mouths filled with dust
We kissed in the fields and under trees
Screaming like dogs and bleeding dark into the leaves
It was empty on the edge of town but
We knew everyone floated along the bottom of the river
So we walked through the waste where the road curved into sea
And the shattered seasons lay
And the bitter smell of burning was on you like a disease
In our cancer of passion you said
"Death is a midnight runner"

The sky had come crashing down like the news of an intimate suicide
We picked up the shards and formed them into shapes of stars
That wore like an antique wedding dress
The echoes of the past broke the hearts of the unborn
As the ferris wheel silently slowed to a stop
The few insects skittered away in hopes of a better pastime
I kissed you at the apex of the maelstrom and asked
If you would accompany me in a quick fall
But you made me realize my ticket wasn't good for two

I rode alone
You said "The cinders are falling like snow"
There is poetry in despair and we sang with unrivaled beauty
Bitter elegies of savagery and eloquence
Of blue and grey
Strange, we ran down desperate streets and carved our names
In the flesh of the city
The sun has stagnated somewhere beyond the rim of the hirizon
And the darkness is a mystery of curves and lines
Still, we lay under the emptiness and drifted slowly outward
And somewhere in the wilderness we found salvation
Scratched into the Earth like a message
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[Nov. 30th, 2006|12:09 pm]

"Don't compromise yourself. You are all you've got." - Janis Joplin
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es nekad nebiju/nebūšu panks. [Nov. 30th, 2006|11:37 am]

«punk rock love is fucking behind the dumpster down the street from the show. fucking in the shower at the hotel carlton. making out in the recycle bin. looking at her tattoos while she's asleep. taking showers together. playing checkers with cigarette butts. watching her band play. dumpstering veggies together and then going back to her place and cooking up a feast. knowing the same parts of the same songs. both of you having the same ex-girlfriend.

punk rock love is having to tie her shoes for her because she's too drunk. kissing under the overpass. her sending you her whole diary to read. her giving you ten rolls of duct tape for your birthday. her beating up skinheads. going to the prom on her motorcylce and checking in the helmets at the coatcheck. getting astonished stares from all the jocks who thought you were gay; now they feel dumb because you're with an older punk rock bombshell, and they're with their friend's little sister.

punk rock love is meeting her outside the club, and her saying, "come home with me or i'm gonna kick your fucking ass." going home with her, and she almost kicks your ass anyway. sharing hairdye. riding double on a bike. being loud and not caring. sneaky eyes and sleeveless t-shirts. the sun coming up, and you realizing that there's other people on the beach. a good sleazy one- week-stand. still being friends afterwards. most of the time.

punk rock love is her sneaking out in the middle of the night to meet you in the park. running your fingers over her spikey hair. her chewing on a flower, and you having to call poison control when her tongue swells up. bringing her to the laundromat for a date. sharing a sleeping bag and waking up freezing in the middle of the night and her, blurry eyed, trying to heat it up with a blowdrier. social unrest playing "ever fallen in love?" at the gig you're both at the night after she dumps you hard. starting smoking again after that night.

punk rock love is her drawing on you. her sleeping on your back. her being mad at you for being such a jerk. her thinking it's cool that you stink and your hair stands up by itself. her having weird roommates who worship eggs. you waiting in the doorway for hours hoping she might pass by, even in the snow. her singing along with descendents records over the air on her late night radio show. her picture on the front page of the morning paper getting arrested. her borrowing your favorite black hat and never giving it back.

punk rock love is finding a girl who drinks as much coffee as you do. going into the cafe where she works, and she looks up and smiles and doesn't notice as she tips over a pile of fifty dishes. they hit the floor one by one, and when it's all done, everyone in the cafe applauds. you both turn beet red.

punk rock love is both of you doing fanzines. years later, she is teaching english to college freshmen, and you're still doing fanzines. her wearing glasses even though her eyes are fine, using crutches even though her legs are fine, and talking with a fake speech impediment. you're just thinking it's rad girl style, until later, when someone brings up the concept of self-imposed handicaps.

punk rock love is getting your first kiss and almost losing your virginity at the same time. meanwhile you're trying not to wake up the other person sleeping in the same bed. groping in the bushes by the freeway, and later you realize that all the passing cars could see you. exploring the wasteland together. holding hands out on the fire escape. lying in the grass in her backyard. lying on the astroturf in her bedroom. drinking tequila on her porch on your birthday. riding on her motorcycle early in the cold morning, and you're holding on tight and steam is rising off of the river. you're thinking how she is maybe even better than the ramones.

punk rock love is both being broke. love letters. finding out she sang "stay free" at her high school talent show. finding out she's a little crazier than you thought when you finally get her in bed. her boyfriend getting mad. walking around with her and her nephew, and everyone is giving you dirty looks because they think he's your kid. walking around with her and being happy and proud. being sad together. being sad by yourself. missing her.»
© aaron wohl,
from May 1992 Cometbus
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es arī mīlu fotografēt.. [Nov. 17th, 2006|07:20 pm]

"...I became yearbook photographer because I liked the idea that I could sort of watch life without having to be part of it. But when you're yearbook photographer, you're, like, never in the picture. "
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nu kad beigsies tukšums manā galvā? [Nov. 16th, 2006|12:48 pm]

The direct use of force is such a poor solution to any problem, it is generally employed only by small children and large nations.
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Ani Difranco quotes [Nov. 15th, 2006|10:15 am]

Ani DiFranco "I don't always feel lucky, but I'm smart enough to try."

"They say that the truth will set you free
but then again, so will a lie...
It depends if you're trying to get to the promised land
or if you're just trying to get by."

"Maybe you don't like your job,
maybe you didn't get enough sleep
- but nobody likes their job,
nobody got enough sleep.
Maybe you just had the worst day of your life;
well, you know, there's no escape.
That's no excuse.
Just suck up and be nice."

© Ani DiFranco
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Sugar [Nov. 9th, 2006|07:03 pm]

"We walk around pretending we're in a Disney movie when really it's a gangster porn flick"

Examples of the lies your parents tell you- "These are the best years of your life" and "Of course we love you".

"I swear on my mother's death bed!" "You hate your mum!" "Alright, my cat's then!"
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