"true song as real as my tears"(c)Cake - weeeds [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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weeeds [Dec. 12th, 2006|03:23 pm]
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"Kat: I'm a part of this family !
Nancy: Just because you are crazy, and we are crazy doesn't mean we're related"

"Graduation speech: Greetings Agrestic Elementary School, class of 2006. Hello teachers, parents, step-parents, siblings, boyfriends and girlfriends of parents, assorted relatives, friends of your mom or dad who you call aunt and uncle who really aren't, and Principal Dutch. As I stand before you today, on the brink of junior high, here is what I have to say: YOU HAVE FAILED US ALL. Everything is not okay. We have become alienated, desensitized, angry, and frightened. If we picture Agrestic as an airplane, a grand, soaring jet, carrying us through the sky, I think you all need to understand there are motherf[expletive] snakes on this motherf[expletive] plane.
We are not safe, you move here so that you can feel safe, but your children are not safe."
(c) weeds
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[User Picture]
Date:December 12th, 2006 - 04:09 pm
Tāda dīvaina sajūta, ka šādā noskaņā paiet visa dzīve, un es nezinu - tas ir laikmets vai kas cits, kas atstāj mūsos šīs pēdas, but they cut right through, these words..
[User Picture]
Date:December 12th, 2006 - 04:17 pm
es gribētu ticēt ka tas tāds prāta stāvoklis, kurš kautkad beigsies. un viss būs vienkārši liliski.
es gan tam gandrīz neticu
[User Picture]
Date:December 12th, 2006 - 04:30 pm
Man liekas, pie vainas ir tas, ka šis laikmets (un mēs kā daļa no tā) ir ļoti sačakarēts. Mēs jūtamies apjukuši, vientuļi un nesaprasti, un tas turpinās jau pārāk ilgi. Bet vai tiešām tas ir tikai laikmets? Varbūt tas ir tas, ko sauc par Dzīvi? Ai, es nezinu..
[User Picture]
Date:December 12th, 2006 - 04:56 pm
es jau arī nezinu. laikmets, cilvēki, mēs paši - kautkas jau ir cēlonis
[User Picture]
Date:December 12th, 2006 - 06:21 pm
Es reizēm domāju - kā gan es varu vainu par kaut ko uzvelt tik abstraktai lietai kā laikmets - ne es īsti zinu, kas tas ir, ne es esmu kādu citu laikmetu savā dzīvē redzējusi. Es sēžu uz viņa kreisā vaiga un jūtu, kā viņš lēnām un baudpilni gremo manu nākotni..
[User Picture]
Date:December 12th, 2006 - 06:40 pm
vienmēr jau var vainot cilvēkus..
tikai tas nekur nevede
[User Picture]
Date:December 12th, 2006 - 06:48 pm
vienmēr jau var vainot arī sevi...
[User Picture]
Date:December 12th, 2006 - 07:04 pm
un var mēģināt mainīt šo pasauli.
[User Picture]
Date:December 12th, 2006 - 07:13 pm
:) optimiste...
[User Picture]
Date:December 12th, 2006 - 07:18 pm
pesimists =)
[User Picture]
Date:December 12th, 2006 - 07:22 pm
ups.. ;)
[User Picture]
Date:December 12th, 2006 - 07:29 pm
hapens a lot

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