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Dear Gossip Girl - Southern Mothers ft. Matt Pearson [Jan. 12th, 2009|11:22 am]


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=P [Jun. 8th, 2007|11:54 am]
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"Sex between a man and a woman can be absolutely wonderful - provided you get between the right man and the right woman." - Woody Allen
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be nice, or.. [Feb. 8th, 2007|06:11 pm]
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I attended the same high school as you, so this is a question you should be uniquely qualified to answer. (By the way, Mr. Anthony still talks about you.) When you meet a man who is a total hottie but also a consummate pussy, how best to seduce him? Alcohol is a good standby, but tends to make the sex bad. Assuming he is willing but a coward, what would you do?

SS: Tell Mr. Anthony hello from his old friend, Sarah. Okay, Anna. Here's my question: Why are you interested in a guy who's a pussy? What's wrong with you? What is up with women who want guys that are pussies? How about a real MAN? How about that? Good-looking pretty boys are for boys. I'm sorry, Anna. But you needed to hear that.

If you are really attracted to a guy but are avoiding getting involved for one of the many reasons we can't always have who/what we want, what is a sure-fire move he could make that would be irresistible?

SS: No woman wants some plotting guy who's trying to get pussy. So, trick her into thinking you're just living your life and having fun and being cool. But do it in front of her. If that doesn't work, then cry in a ball like you usually do.


Like most women, my girlfriend is very self-conscious about her body. When we "do it," she insists on turning the lights out. I love her body and want to actually see it, but no amount of reassurance or pleading will change her mind. How do I convince her to leave the lights on?

SS: Just wondering if maybe it's occurred to you that it's you she doesn't want to see naked? I say keep the lights off. If you need to see her body, get night-vision goggles. Also, that way less of your face will show. It's a win-win!

Comedian/actress Sarah Silverman http://www.avclub.com/content/node/58250/1
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=) [Jun. 27th, 2006|12:14 pm]

skatīties tikai ar skaņu =)

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=) es gribu redzēt šo seriālu [Jun. 26th, 2006|10:39 am]
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"Thelma: So, what are you doing here?
Peggy: Actually my father used to own this place.
Thelma: Oh. Sorry.
Peggy: I died here in 1923. I'd like to say my husband caught me with the scullery maid, but actually it was the flu. How about you?
Thelma: I was ritualistically sacrificed by a fallen angel.
Peggy: Ah, the flu, too, eh?"
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