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[Jan. 13th, 2008|05:13 pm]
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Vakardienas pirkums  - Geimana īso stāstu un dzejoļu/poēmu krājums "Smoke and Mirrors" - ir ļoti labs.

Lai piedod man autortiesību sargi un pats autors, bet zem lj-cut viņa 102 vārdu Ziemassvētku dāvana.

  Nicholas was...

 older than sin, and his beard could grow no whiter. He wanted to die.

 The dwarfish creatures of the Arctic caverns did not speak his language, but conversed in their own, twittering tongue, conducted incomprehensible rituals, when they were not actually working in the factories.
 Once every year they forced him, sobbing and protesting, into Endless Night. During the journey he would stand near every child in the world, leave one of the dwarves’ invisible gifts by its bedside. The children slept, frozen in time.
 He envied Prometheus and Loki, Sisyphus and Judas. His punishment was harsher. 


Date:January 13th, 2008 - 06:45 pm
Ko tik skumji, jo ho hoo...!?
[User Picture]
Date:January 13th, 2008 - 07:47 pm
Date:January 14th, 2008 - 12:37 am
Visu cieņu tulkojumam un tulkotājam.

Viegli kaunīgs par stāsta atkārtojumu, tas noteikti dūmu un spoguļu dēļ :)