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publiskais neziņas slavējums [Nov. 14th, 2007|10:09 pm]
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Date:November 15th, 2007 - 12:29 am
neatkarības servitūti :)

par tām dolāru rezervēm, es domāju, skaidrību grūti būs ātrumā atrast, jo tas ir sarunas fragments lordu palātā, acīmredzot tiek referētas tās UK reserves zelta un, piem. US dolāru, kuru dēļ reizēm aizdevuma izmaksas atliek, utt.
No šejienes:

"Under the Agreement, the loans would be repaid in 50 annual installments commencing in 1950. However the Agreement allowed deferral of annual payments of both principal and interest if necessary because of prevailing international exchange rate conditions and the level of the United Kingdom's foreign currency and gold reserves. The United Kingdom has deferred payments on six occasions.
Date:November 15th, 2007 - 01:55 am
Aha, paldies.

Manipulatoriskie briti :)