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Aug. 13th, 2014|02:59 pm
Piemēram, tādi no realitātes atrauti teksti kā "some prostitutes indeed suffer from trafficking, exploitation or voilence(..)"
SOME? Lol, par kādu realitāti mēs te runājam?

Vēl tas pats:
"Criminalisation of clients perpetuates the idea of all prostitutes as victims forced into the trade. Some certainly are—by violent partners, people-traffickers or drug addiction. But there are already harsh laws against assault and trafficking. Addicts need treatment, not a jail sentence for their clients."
Just SOME, oh yes.

Turklāt izskatās, ka vīriešu prostitūcija viņus nesaista, pieminēts 3x 3 teikumos, transpersonas nav pieminētas vispār.

190'000 (again, tikai female) ir piliens jūrā.
"That's like going to the ocean, taking a cup of water, scooping it up and saying, 'There are no whales in the ocean.'"

Ok, es saprotu, ka raksts ir par šauru seksa industrijas daļu un tās plaukstošo attīstību, nevis par visu biznesu kopumā, bet tie "some" ir no kaut kādas nereālas realitātes
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