man riebjas justies nekam nederīgai ausīs vislaik skan In my mind is the sound Of rudderless ships A time, and a time And a time And a time So much silence Has deafen our ears So much emptiness Hinders our movements Lost in the earth And lost in the air Around my hollow globe Broken feathers Blocking my words And then no-one spoke Oh, no-one smiles And nothing moves Broken in snow The sun bares teeth So one: i shall build a boat Two: i shall not fly a flag Three, three, three: God's three functions So three: i shall cross myself Four: and hope to die es tikko nospļāvos uz visu, ko teiks varbūt citi, ko teiks vīrs un ko teiks mani vecāki, janvārī iesniegšu doķus teoloģijas fakultāte. katoļu. jāmēģina izurbties cauri 1856. gadā izdotajai bībelei vācu valodā.
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