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Dunduka ciba

29th October, 2018. 1:13 pm.

No manis, protams, jurists ir tāds pats kā dziedātājs, tomēr reizēm šo to palasu. Nupat trāpījās labs piemērs apvainošanās kultūras un (konkrētas) reliģijas aizstāvēšanai tiesu praksē. Īpaši sajūsmina Austrijas apelācijas tiesas loģika 17.punktā: "It concluded that the latter was the case as Muslims would find the applicant’s statements – “he liked to do it with children”, “the thing with Aisha and child sex” and “a 56-year-old and a six-year-old? What do you call that? Give me an example? What do we call it, if it is not paedophilia?” – wrong and offensive, even if Muhammad had married a six-year-old and had intercourse with her when she had been nine."

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