dziedamzars - January 28th, 2020 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 28th, 2020

Posts par postu [Jan. 28th, 2020|09:49 am]
Interesanti, kā tautas izklaidējas, daloties un apsaucoties.
Tādi haosa definēšanas mēģinājumi; it kā rozi nosaucot par rozi tā smaržo citādi.

There is a war between the rich and poor,
A war between the man and the woman.
There is a war between the left and right,
A war between the black and white,
A war between the odd and the even.
/Koena Koans/
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Multiaxial realm of the aatman: [Jan. 28th, 2020|12:28 pm]
I will mathom it until all can fathom it.
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