dziedamzars - September 7th, 2018 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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September 7th, 2018

Pizģec [Sep. 7th, 2018|01:35 pm]
Vai ziniet stāstu par Pizģec, kas esot dēmona vārds. Dēmons guļot Sibīrijas pazemes ūdeņos, un, kad modīsies, tad visiem būšot Pizģec.
Dēmonam nu ir arī uzvārds zināms. Metāns.
Skatos, kas un kur studē metāna degšanas/uzliesmošanas inhibīciju (kā to latviski sauc?).

Principā, visi raksti saka, ka masveida katastrofāla degšana ir "iespējams", bet tas taču katram zaķītim skaidrs, ka būs.
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Sinnerman [Sep. 7th, 2018|02:46 pm]

""Sinner Man" or "Sinnerman" is an African American traditional spiritual song that has been recorded by a number of performers and has been incorporated in many other of the media and arts. The lyrics describe a sinner attempting to hide from divine justice on Judgement Day."
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