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Posted by [info]drew on 2007.01.23 at 21:38
no [info]eovinas nospēru. tiešām nav nemaz tik viegli kā liekas -

Pick the letter of your first name, and answer these questions with that letter.... You CAN'T use your own name for the girl/boy name...
It's harder than you think.

My letter is D

1. Actor/Actress: Del Toro Benicio
2. 4 letter word: Dēle
3. Street name: Daugavas prospekts
4. Color: Dzeltens
5. Gift/present: Dāvana:)
6. Vehicle: Dirižabls
7. Tropical Location: DĀR
8. College Major: Dabaszinātnieks
9. Dairy Product: Diētiskais siers
10. Thing in a Souvenir Shop: Dzēšgumija
11. Boy Name: Dainis
12. Girl Name: Dainuvīte
13. Movie Title: Devil's Advocate
14. Beer: Dāņu alus (resp. - carlsberg, tuborg)/ lai [info]no_smoking sirds būtu mierīga, atcerējos - Delight;)
15. Occupation: Deputāts
16. Flower: Dzegužpirkstīte, Dālija
17. Celebrity: princese Diāna (Diana Spencer)
18. Magazine: Diena
19. Clothes: Džinsi, Dūraiņi
20. Band: Dzelzs vilks, Dresden Dolls

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