
(no subject)

May. 21st, 2004 | 05:12 pm
From:: drako

"Christians make no attempt to refute it, it will destroy itself, and possibly its antireligious philosophical predecessors such as Sartrian existentialism, logical positivism, and Wittgensteinianism. This self-destruction will occur despite the efforts of Richard Rorty, postmodernism’s most gifted defender, who may ultimately do more to destroy the movement that to defend it."


Diemžēl man pašu Rortiju izburt cauri momentā nav iespējams, tāpēc aprobežojos ar to, ko saka kritiķi. Lasīju arī ka viņš vispār tiek kritizēts par savu attieksmi pret patiesības izzināšanu:

"As we have seen in connection with Rorty's attitude to science, it is particularly Rorty's treatment of truth and knowledge that has drawn fire from philosophers. While a great variety of philosophers have criticized Rorty on this general score in a great variety of ways, it is not very difficult to discern a common concern; Rorty's conversationalist view of truth and knowledge leaves us entirely unable to account for the notion that a reasonable view of how things are is a view suitably constrained by how the world actually is."


Iepriekšējais citāts ir no:

Patiesība tam fruktam ir arī mājaslapa ... bet tas laikam tev nav jaunums ...


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