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LASHES on yah ASS(h)ES [May. 28th, 2019|07:07 pm]


Rules of the Stokes County School November 10, 1848, Wm. A. Chaffin, Master

1. Boys & Girls Playing Together 4
2. Quarreling 4
3. Fighting 5
4. Fighting at School 5
5. Quarreling at School 3
6. Gambling or Betting at School 4
7. Playing at Cards at School 10
8. Climbing for every foot over three feet up a tree 1
9. Telling Lies 7
10. Telling Tales Out of School 8
11. Nick Naming Each Other 4
12. Giving Each Other ILL Names 3
13. Fighting Each Other in Time of Books 2
14. Swearing at School 8
15. Blackguarding Each Other 6
16. For Misbehaving to Girls 10
17. For Leaving School Without Leave of the Teacher 4
18. Going Home With Each Other without Leave of Teacher 4
19. For Drinking Spiritous Liquors at School 8
20. Making Swings & Swinging on Them 7
21. For Misbehaving when a Stranger is in the House 6
22. For Wearing Long Finger Nails 2
23. For not Making a Bow when a Stranger Comes in 3
24. Misbehaving to Persons on the Road 4
25. For not Making a Bow when you Meet a Person 4
26. For Going to Girl’s Play Places 3
27. For Going to Boy’s Play Places 4
28. Coming to School with Dirty Face and Hands 2
29. For Calling Each Other Liar 4
30. For Playing Bandy 10
31. For Bloting Your Copy Book 2
32. For Not Making a bow when you go home 4
33. For Not Making a bow when you come away 4
34. Wrestling at School 4
35. Scuffling at School 4
36. For Weting each Other Washing at Play Time 2
37. For Hollowing and Hooping Going Home 3
38. For Delaying Time Going Home or Coming to School 3
39. For Not Making a Bow when you come in or go out 2
40. For Throwing anything harder than your trab ball 4
41. For every word you miss in your lesson without excuse 1
42. For Not saying yes Sir or no Sir or yes Marm, no Marm 2
43. For Troubling Each Others Writing Affairs 2
44. For Not Washing at Play Time when going to Books 4
45. For Going and Playing about the Mill or Creek 6
46. For Going about the barn or doing any mischief about 7

Whatever you might think of this in light of Dr. Spock or Piaget or the Yale Child Study folks, it must be apparent that civility was honored, and in all likelihood, no one ever played Bandy a second time! I’ve yet to meet a parent in public school who ever stopped to calculate the heavy, sometimes lifelong price their children pay for the privilege of being rude and ill-mannered at school. I haven’t met a public school parent yet who was properly suspicious of the state’s endless forgiveness of bad behavior for which the future will be merciless.

At about the same time Master Chaffin was beating the same kind of sense into young tarheels that convict Hobby had beaten into little Washington, Robert Owen, a Scottish industrialist usually given credit for launching utopian socialism, was constructing his two-volume Life. This autobiography contains “Ten Rules of Schooling,” the first two of which show a liberalization occurring in nineteenth-century educational thought:
1st Rule — No scolding or punishment of the Children.
2nd Rule — Unceasing kindness in tone, look, word, and action, to all children without exception, by every teacher employed so as to create a real affection and full confidence between the teachers and the taught.

The Owenite colony had what we now call a theory of holistic schooling as its foundation, Owen was a genuine messiah figure and his colony operated in a part of Indiana which was removed from prying eyes. New Harmony, as it was called, was the center of the transatlantic upper-class world’s fascinated attention in its short existence. Yet it fell apart in three years, slightly less time than it took for John Dewey’s own Lab School to be wrecked by Owenite principles unmistakably enough to suggest to Dewey it would be the better if he got out of Chicago. And so he did, transferring to Teachers College in Manhattan, where, in time, his Lincoln School carried on the psychological traditions of New Harmony before it, too, ultimately failed.

The Schools Of Hellas

Wherever it occurred, schooling through the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries (up until the last third of the nineteenth) heavily invested its hours with language, philosophy, art, and the life of the classical civilizations of Greece and Rome. In the grammar schools of the day, little pure grammar as we understand it existed; they were places of classical learning. Early America rested easily on a foundation of classical understanding, one subversive to the normal standards of British class society. The lessons of antiquity were so vital to the construction of every American institution it’s hardly possible to grasp how deep the gulf between then and now is without knowing a little about… /lappuse beidzas

[ apm. 59.-60. lpp. Džona Teilōra Gattō „The Underground History of American Education” ]
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