National Security and Double Government; noble lies |
[May. 2nd, 2016|01:42 pm] |
Volters Bedžets (Bagehot), inčīgs karakters. Bijis The Economist redaktōrs, gan jau ne tikai tāpēc, ka sievastēs to lapeli dibijājis.
These dual institutions, one for show and the other for real, afford Britain expertise and experience in the actual art of governing while at the same time providing a façade that generates public acceptance of the experts’ decisions. Bagehot called this Britain’s “double government.” The structural duality, some have suggested, is a modern reification of the “Noble Lie” that, two millennia before, Plato had thought necessary to insulate a state from the fatal excesses of democracy and to ensure deference to the golden class of efficient guardians. [11. lpp.] |