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XXXV - one Pound of ait-voik Oct. 26th, 2011|06:58 am

So this is (may we take it) Mitteleuropa:
Mr Corles was in command of machine guns
but when the time came to fire
he merely lit a cigarette and walked away from his
battery and seated himself in a field,
So some subaltern gave the order to fire
and Mr Corles did not suffer the extreme penalty
because his family
was a very good bourgeois family in Vienna
and he was therefor sent to a mind sanatorium.
Mr Fidascz
explained to me
the horrors of playing the fiddle while that ass Nataanovitch,
or some other better known -ovitch
whose name we must respect because of the
law of libel,
was conducting
in particular the Mattias Passion, after requesting that
the audience come in black clothes;
And the Fraulein Doktor nearly wept over the Tyrol,
being incapable of seeing that the century-old joke on Italia
was now on somebody else
though if they cd. sentimentalize over that lousy old
bewhiskered sonvabitch Franēois Giuseppe of whom nothing
good is recorded---in fact with the most patient research---
nothing good is recorded...... and so forth....
this is Mitteleuropa
and Tsievitz
has explained to me the warmth of affections,
the intramural, the almost intravaginal warmth of 
hebrew affections, in the family, and nearly everything else....
pointing out that Mr Lewinesholme has suffered by deprivation
of same and exposure to American snobbery ..." I am a product,"
said the young lady, "of Mitteleuropa,"
but she seemed to have been able to mobilize
and the fine thing was that the family did not
wire about papa's death for fear of disturbing the concert
which might seem to contradict the general indefinite wobble.
It must be rather like some internal organ,
some communal life of the pancreas.... sensitivity
without direction ... this is ...
Oh yes, there are nobles, still interested in polo
said the whoring countess of course there were nobles.
Mister Axon the usually so intelligent was
after two lunches with Dortmund unable, in fact he was
quite unable to play respectable chess and the younger
Alexi after living with Murphy
was observed to be gray in the gills
through a presumed loss of vitality we have said that
stupidity is contagious, the divorce of Potemkin
was impeded by the death of his grandmother
and a resurgence of family feeling. His
wife now acts as his model and the Egeria
has, let us say, married a realtor. Having resigned overt
intention to remarry, the widow, once the rose,
spends her time now plaguing her daughter, and
Mr Elias said to me:
"How do you get inspiration?
"Now my friend Hall Caine told me he came on a case
"a very sad case of a girl in the East End of London
"and it gave him an inspiration. The only
"way I get inspiration is occasionally from a girl, I
"mean sometimes sitting in a restaurant and
looking at a pretty girl I
"get an i-de-a, I-mean-a biz-nis i-de-a?"
dixit sic felix Elias?
The tale of the perfect schnorrer: a peautiful chewisch poy
wit a vo-ice dot woult
meldt dh heart offa schtone
and wit a likeing for to make arht-voiks and ven dh oldt ladty wasn't dhere any more
and dey didn't know why, tdhere ee woss in the
oldt antique schop and nobodty knew how he got dhere
and venn hiss brudder diet widout any bapers
he vept all ofer dh garpet so much he
had to have his clothes aftervards pressed
and he orderet a magnifficent funeral
and tden zent dh pill to dh vife.
But when they have high cheek-bones
they are supposed to be Mongol. Eljen! Eljen Hatvany!
He had ideals and he said to the general at the conference,
"I introduce to you the head of the bakers' union.
"I introduce to you the head of the brick-layer's union.."
"Comment! Vous êtes tombés si bas?"
replied General Franchet de Whatshisname
on the part of the french royalist party, showing thus
the use of ideals to a jewish Hungarian baron
with a library (naturally with a library)
and a fine collection of paintings? "We find the land over-
said the bojars or whatever the old savages call it
as they hung their old huntsman friend to his chandelier
in his dining hall after the usual feasting and flagons
VIRTUSCH!! it must be one helluva country. Item:
That there be made a fontego (a chamber)
to lend money on cloth so that they cease not to
labour for lack of money .. Item: that there be made a scaven-
and it be furnished with cloth thus pledged
to be sold a schavezo at a price as if wholesale
plus only the proportion of the tax for the retail so that
Mantua cloth being cheap as in countries circumjacent and that
Brescians, Cremonesi, Parmenesi, Resanesi
who now go to Verona where it is cheaper as also
our own townsfolk go there, they wd. then come here or
stay here to the augment of industry and increase in
the retail tax and all of the other taxes.
Item: for the increase of this art
shd. be a man stationed in Venice ... to sell what we
can't sell here ... Item: a dye works ... that they can dye
the pledged cloth ... and that finding here cloth well coloured
... inficit umbras....
the Romagnols wd. come here to Mantua, and the March folk
who now go to Verona to buy ... all of which wd.
be gain to this industry, bring more people to live here
and be of great use to yr. taxes.
Mantua 1401, una grida.
When the stars fall from the olive
Or with four points or with five
Toward St John's eve
Came this day Madame , Madame la Porte Parure
Adorned with the Romancero,
foot like a flowery branch. That
Venice be luogo di contratto may we
say the place where the deal is made
and the profits
most assuredly from the pocket
of the last man who buys / exempt from customs
be food stuffs and nothing else so exempted
9 per cent in, and 9 out, for the upkeep of "The Dominant"
and De Gama (Vasco) a great inconvenience in fact the
worst news that there could be but:
Can Portugal keep it up?
omnes de partibus ultramarinis
needing salt, made their peace with Venice
"who commands sea, commands trade"
let the rest provide for "The Dominant," "Victoria?
"Where 'ave I 'eard that nayme?"
Undersell, overbuy, maintain defence of the sea route
a.d. 1423 et cetera
9% in and 9 out, no export of sand, alkali, rags.
Quality. So that our goods please the buyer.
Tell the Wazir that that stuff is ours only in name
it is made by damned jews in exile, made by damned jews in
Ragusa and sold with Venetian labels. Goods in
Venetian bottoms
no ship to be built out of Venice.
Mocenigo. Fourteen twenty-three.
Have a load-line, no heavy deck cargo. Tola, octroi and decime.
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