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Apr. 17th, 2010|01:01 pm

Christina the Ash-tarnishing

Christina the Astonishing lived a long, long time ago she was stricken with a seizure at the age of 22 they took her body in a coffin to a tiny church in Liége where she sprang up from the coffin just after the Agnus Dei she soared up to the rafters perched on a beam up there cried the stink of human sin, the stink of human sin, the stink is more than I can bear and I said O Christina the Astonishing was the most astonishing of all she prayed balanced on a hurdle or curled up into a ball she fled to remote places climbed towers and trees and walls to escape the stench of corruption, the stench of human corruption into an oven she did crawl and I said O Christina the Astonishing behaved in a terrifying way she would run wildly through the streets jump in the Meuse and swim away Christina the Astonishing behaved in a terrifying manner she died at the age of 74, died at the age of 74 in the convent of St Anna and I said O
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