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Sparks - Hello Young Lovers (Amazon review) Aug. 13th, 2006|01:30 pm

If I could give it 0 stars..., May 25, 2006
Reviewer: No Sparks Here (Conshohocken, PA United States)
Very bizarre. I'm not quite sure why people are rating this so highly. It's strange, and quite frankly, it's scary. There's not a whole lot of talent here...all they do is chant and play weird background music. Kind of what you might expect to hear if you were in a room full of people who were doing drugs of the illegal kind. I am disturbed by the fact that people like this CD, let alone this band. I would probably only buy this CD if I were planning on torturing someone for information. Why anyone would make a song with the lyrics "Chicks dig metaphors...but use them wisely", is beyond me. I'm telling you...these people must be on drugs, because there's no way this album was made by sane people.
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