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Mar. 2nd, 2005|08:33 pm

es angleni mācījos no trim platēm. BoneyM "Oceans of Fantasy", ABBAs "Arrival" un Boomtown Rats' "The Fine Art Of Surfacing".
No pirmajiem diviem es sapratu visu, bet nesapratu neko, kamēr no Geldofa blices vinila es nesapratu neko, toties visu sapratu.
And I wish you'd stop whispering.
Don't flatter yourself, nobody's listening.
Still it makes me nervous, those things you say.
You may as well
Shout it from the roof
Scream it from your lungs
Spit it from your mouth
There's a spy in the sky
There's a noise on the wire
There's a tap on the line
And for every paranoid's desire...

There's always Somone looking at you.
S-s-s-s-someone looking at you...
They're always looking at you.
You said you spoke to God and asked a question
You were wonderin' what's the use of it all
He said everybody does what they want to
Provided that it's true, that's all

He said, hey Big G you said there's my problem
I'm not so sure 'bout what's true
He said I'll let you in on my big secret, Ray
The final truth is - there is no truth, and

Na-na-na-na, bop shoo wop shoo wop
Na-na-na-na, Oh-hey-yeah
Na-na-na-na, bop shoo wop shoo wop-ac
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