per silentium ad as†ra mille - February 18th, 2019 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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February 18th, 2019

Hiroproktolōga pakalpojumi [Feb. 18th, 2019|09:42 am]
āzīti manu
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[Feb. 18th, 2019|11:42 am]
You say nobody told you it would feel like this

aizsēdēos te deltabāzē Δati
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zvans draugam [Feb. 18th, 2019|01:42 pm]
loderis nāk no frīloudeŗa vai liderības, nez?
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[Feb. 18th, 2019|01:48 pm]
vistūlbākās bailes ir bailes no bailēm. visbīstamākās – bailes no bailēm no bailēm. tālāk jau tur iaziet tīrā ballīte.

Zonnenšaijn reggī
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shall i wrap this to go or to walk away, mes dames et mes sieurs? [Feb. 18th, 2019|09:09 pm]
u2 must be an acrobat to talk like this and act like that
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[Feb. 18th, 2019|10:42 pm]
ō alpha bēta romeō
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