per silentium ad as†ra mille - August 23rd, 2018 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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August 23rd, 2018

[Aug. 23rd, 2018|08:08 am]
sub-bourbon neighbourhood
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intro into Laughtvian [Aug. 23rd, 2018|08:42 am]
冷笑 lěngxiào (cold laugh) – reveals an internal torment which is released in this way.
气笑 qìxiào (humorous laugh) – indicates malice that cannot be expressed in any other way.
妒笑 dùxiào (jealous laugh) – must end on a resounding note.
假笑 jiǎxiào (false laugh) – the laugh of a person who is not happy, but who laughs so that others will hear.
苦笑 kǔxiào (bitter laugh) – often used by those who play the role of poor scholars who maintain a sense of dignity by forcing themselves to keep up their spirits despite their difficult situation. In this way it only serves to suggest sadness because “if they cry shortly after speaking, they thus lose their wisdom and virtue”.
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[Aug. 23rd, 2018|12:12 pm]
suņudienas iet uz galu, darbā tūliņ sāksies Ziemassvētku džangbellzs, tālab lieku lielas cerības* uz garo kvīkendu Pļaviņā.

* (nenormatīvs daudzskaitlenieks) tas, kas goes wrong
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