per silentium ad as†ra mille - August 4th, 2018 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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August 4th, 2018

in fact [Aug. 4th, 2018|09:42 am]
Market research in China has shown that black thermos flasks sell better than other colours. Black is in fact a positive colour, associated with a connotation of good morals and the idea of solemnity. On the other hand, in the South which is more open to Western ideas, black is considered a bad omen.

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[Aug. 4th, 2018|02:42 pm]
Medicine and gastronomy are closely associated. Nearly everything in Chinese cooking is medicinal. Bitter cucumber provides resistance against the hot weather, the meat of a wild cat is considered to be a good preventative against muscular pain, the sea cucumber is appreciated for its proteins and cow lungs are said to be effective in cough prevention.

paldies par kūkām, kūkamberi, bet kādu rūgtu kampārī varētu, tīri profilaktiski
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[Aug. 4th, 2018|04:42 pm]
The human body must be seen as a whole. The expression take care of the head when you have headache and take care of the feet when your feet hurt is far from positive; on the contrary, it means that one doesn't have an overall view of things.

vakar virpas fōnā klausījos lekciju virteni par Konfūciju. vis'ko jaunu uzzināju. fispār ierofinu Konfifūciju par godu KongFū nofaukt par Fatferfmi. balfofim, pilfoņi.
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