pirmdienas preses pārskats |
[May. 8th, 2017|10:07 am] |
Tāpēc, pēc analītiķu atzinuma, Makronam galvenais ir izvairīties no aizraušanās ar hiperaktivitāti un īstermiņa domāšanu, un viņam ir jāpacenšas iegūt popularitāte ar praktiskiem darbiem, lai parādītu stabilitāti, ķeroties pie ilgtermiņa reformu programmas.

About midwinter it occurred to me to philosophize that in our own and foreign lands a taste for mild cheese is considered somewhat plebeian; it is at least a semi-truth that connoisseurs rise in station as gourmets when the cheeses they prefer grow progressively stronger. This grading can apply to meats, as in England where it is common among nobility and gentry to relish game so high that the average Midwestern American, or even an Englishman of a lower class, would think it unfit for food. I knew of course that, while it is good form to eat fetid milk products and rotting game, it is very bad form to eat high fish. I knew also the view of our populace that there are likely to be “ptomaines” in decaying fish and in the plebeian meats, though not in decaying pheasant or venison; but it struck me as an improbable extension of class-consciousness that ptomaine would avoid the gentleman’s food and lurk in that of the commoner. This led to a summarizing query: If it is almost a mark of social distinction to be able to eat strong cheese with a straight face, and to relish smelly birds, why is it necessarily a low practice to eat pungent fish? On the basis of such philosophizing, though with qualms, I tried the rotten fish one day, and, if memory serves, liked it better than my first taste of Camembert. During the next weeks I became fond of high fish. It is not easy to resist the feeling that things one likes are intrinsically better. [Vilhjalmur Stefansson: The fat of the Land] |