per silentium ad as†ra mille - February 24th, 2017 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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February 24th, 2017

the roasted communion [Feb. 24th, 2017|06:42 pm]
Swedish King Gustav III (1746–1792) is reputed to have commuted the death sentence of twin brothers convicted of murder provided that they agree to be guinea pigs in a scientific experiment designed to test which of coffee drinking or tea drinking was superior. One brother could drink tea but not coffee, while the other could only drink coffee. The tea drinker died first, at the age of 83. Sweden developed into one of the top coffee-drinking nations of the world.
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[Feb. 24th, 2017|10:42 pm]
forši, ka grāmata par Plēpi ir bez tiem pautōrtiesību ierobežojumiem.
Plēpis un viņa gravura kokā. Stockholma, 1980.
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