per silentium ad as†ra mille - October 5th, 2016 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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October 5th, 2016

zlobodņeffka, bez zlobas [Oct. 5th, 2016|12:42 am]
Pirms nedaudz dienām 88 gadu vecumā bez bbc un radio2 fanfārām uz nākamo līmeni pārcēlās mans persoonīgais Dieviņš un permakultūras tēvs Bils Molisoons.

Ripo, ratiņ, ripo raiti, un rongi ripo, vecais draugs!

I grew up very independently, and without much formal training. My father died when I was 14, so I left school to help run our family bakery. As a result, I escaped having to spend a lot of hours in a classroom … and I think such a lack of traditional education is almost essential for anybody who does anything creative. Later in life — at about age 37 — I did go to the University of Tasmania and complete a degree … but I did so mostly to develop a bit of mental discipline. I also taught there, for some ten years, as a lecturer in Environmental Psychology.
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[Oct. 5th, 2016|09:42 am]
Permakultūras sakarā padevīgi ziņoju, ka esmu saņēmis uzaicinājumu nākamgad Latvijā piedalīties permakultūras dizaina kursos.
Te ir īsa anketa, intersenti var uzmest aci.

Līga un Tomass Smiltenē ir pilnīgi legit ļauži, pārbaudīta vērtība.
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