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[Sep. 8th, 2015|08:42 pm] |
To Pierre Elliott Trudeau March 26, 1974
Dear Pierre: There may be some relevance in the questions that Clare Booth Luce asked recently [March 19], and my replies. First, her questions:
(1) How do you explain why Vatican II, which closed in a burst of ecumenical fervor that was expected to revive the faith of the Catholic world in the Church’s institutions and teachings was, instead, followed (and so soon) by the greatest loss of faith in them that we have seen sinee the Reformation? Was Vatican II the cause? (2) Please explain why you think (or don't think) that the impeachment of R[ichard] N[ixon] is going to purify democratic politics and “restore integrity” to Government, and how this will help us control inflation, pollution, repair the breach with NATO, etc. (3) What are your theories of money and of value? Why, for example, did those great Etruscan statues which stood for years in the Great Hall of the Met., praised by all the critics and admired by all the populace, valued in nine figures, suddenly become valueless when they were discovered to be forgeries? Are Value and Money, like Beauty, in the eye of the beholder ? Or, what other than life itself (and health in life) has intrinsic value? ( Maklūens turpina saraksti ar Pjēru МИР Trudō, jezuītu, sociālistu, bilderbergeru un trilaterāli ) |