per silentium ad as†ra mille - July 4th, 2015 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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July 4th, 2015

[Jul. 4th, 2015|05:42 am]
izskatās, ka izgulējos. ko nu, klainermann?
kafija, kāss un kippis.

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burn da war rag [Jul. 4th, 2015|09:42 am]
[Current Music |hendrix]
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par stenderi [Jul. 4th, 2015|10:42 am]
īstenderi, vestenderi… kurš vair atmin bitterenderus?

[ to the bitter end ]
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[Jul. 4th, 2015|11:42 am]
vēlīniem kūlas dedzinātājiem

evrī faijer nīdza littel bita help
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Iowa grew shitoads of corn [Jul. 4th, 2015|11:56 am]
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more promising, sing halleluJah [Jul. 4th, 2015|01:51 pm]
A total of 150 confirmed and suspected suicides among active-duty soldiers last year is down from the record-breaking 185 in 2012, when the number of suicides surpassed the number of troops killed in Afghanistan.
"I'm not declaring any kind of victory here," Lt. Gen. Howard Bromberg, chief of Army personnel commented on the fresh figures. "It's looking more promising."

Think positive
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Baal [Jul. 4th, 2015|02:27 pm]

bāze Bāzelē
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