per silentium ad as†ra mille - October 15th, 2014 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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October 15th, 2014

[Oct. 15th, 2014|04:14 am]
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glory glory hallelujah [Oct. 15th, 2014|12:00 pm]
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[Oct. 15th, 2014|12:30 pm]
tiku pie 4 krāšņu filmiņām.
ja kādam luste aplūkot, klopt. tuvākajās nedēļās ķipī būvēsim reaktīvo krāsni ar mūrīti.
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seŗiāli kā vadoša smadzeņpišanas industrija [Oct. 15th, 2014|05:42 pm]
skatoties izgāšnakt kārtējo sūdu (Legends, laikam), piedomāju, vai tiešām mani ciltsbrāļi spēj uzķert atsauces uz visādām tur ex-konspirāciju teōrijām. nu, tur MKUltra, Mockingbird vai Gladiō..

šodien, papildinot Ķibļiōtēku, iegādājos Saibelas Edmondsas grāmatu Vientuļais Zobins.

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kačigarkarock [Oct. 15th, 2014|07:42 pm]
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vai Baltiem ir sava pravietiskā guns? [Oct. 15th, 2014|09:42 pm]
AMY GOODMAN: What do you mean by "black prophetic fire"?
CORNEL WEST: Black prophetic fire is really about a deep love for black people, a love of justice, but it’s connected to the four questions that Du Bois wrestles with. How does integrity face oppression? What does honesty do in the face of deception? What does decency do in the face of insult? And how does virtue meet brute force?
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