per silentium ad as†ra mille - July 27th, 2014 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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July 27th, 2014

ja kauns nenāk pie Muhamedus [Jul. 27th, 2014|04:42 pm]
Kaudzes konfigurāciju veidos dažāda slīpuma nogāzes ar mērķi izveidot vizuāli interesantu objektu - kalnu esošajā rūpnieciskās apbūves zonā.

bud gaj, laj mav, bud gaj
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bija vīriņš, nu būs zīriņš [Jul. 27th, 2014|05:00 pm]

jānoskaidro, vai zīriņi ēd maitu. ja jā, tad .

šodien pulksten piecos sāku mācīties avestjāņu valodu. bez kontrakta, ar antraktu. no visa cita. laj mav.
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ētalōnamolōģija [Jul. 27th, 2014|05:42 pm]
[Current Music |neoneofthebelow]

viens sdūrakmens ir iecepts veca anzambļa inkonspikuōzajā nosaukumā.

T.V. war is part of life
Entertaining and far, far away
What a story and how they fight
Let's gamble and guess who will win

Danger is nowhere
We still got the chance to switch off
Remote control and the guarantee
It's somewhere else

T.V. war - T.V. war
Bloodless but deadly and cruel
T.V. war - T.V. war

We are eating, while we're watching
People die on the screen
Toasted and roasted and scrambled and fried
We are greedy and pay

Information - in between
Missiles are in the air
You can hear them and see
They're already here

Oh, yeah!

According to informed sources
Of the defence ministry:
There is now confirmation
That enemy missiles have penetrated our airspace
Impact is estimated in a matter of minutes
Good evening!

T.V. war - T.V. war
Bloodless but deadly and cruel
T.V. war - T.V. war
Bloodless but deadly and cruel
T.V. war - T.V. war
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