per silentium ad as†ra mille - June 27th, 2014 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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June 27th, 2014

[Jun. 27th, 2014|04:22 pm]
Izplatoties izturīgajām mutantu žurkām apdraudēta ir ne tikai sabiedrības veselība, bet arī paredzams straujš grauzēju kontroles izmaksu pieaugums, jo daļu žurku nāksies izķert ar fiziskiem līdzekļiem.

fiskālā disciplīna prêt de-ratatā-latatā, atā.

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wai fajt [Y] [Jun. 27th, 2014|04:42 pm]
time to go, close the show
wave the people good-bye
grab my coat, grab my hat
look that girl in the eye
where's your home
what's your phone number
stop fooling round
could have died
she replied
"I'm the wife of the clown"

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[Jun. 27th, 2014|05:27 pm]
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bood type, skin type, type type, shit hype [Jun. 27th, 2014|05:42 pm]
emotional state: solid

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[Jun. 27th, 2014|06:18 pm]
triple nipple
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[Jun. 27th, 2014|07:19 pm]
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[Jun. 27th, 2014|07:42 pm]
sīr, hess, drinken
comp's off, teh villaine of sauce eye été has left the righting.
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lala baj baj [Jun. 27th, 2014|09:42 pm]
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