per silentium ad as†ra mille - January 20th, 2014 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 20th, 2014

history without monetary intelligence is mere twaddle [Jan. 20th, 2014|11:11 am]
divas Ezras Paunda vēstules: čomam T.S. Eliotam un mazāk čomam H.Dž. Velsam

Ezra Rights/Writes/Rites )
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[Jan. 20th, 2014|12:42 pm]

and still I find it so hard
to say what I need to say
but I'm quite sure that you'll tell me
just how I should feel today
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gygy [Jan. 20th, 2014|01:42 pm]
vakar akkal uztaisī gī. no 1 kg sviesta sanāk vismaz 800 gr gija. vai gī tomēr?
kamēr es to pērku bodē, ar visu ieročeļļas piegaršu, man nav iebildumu pret nosaukumu.
aberka tu pats no lauku sviestīna rēni iztvaicē vandeni un nosmel oļbaltumu klumpačus, pāri paliek dzintarklārs saldumiņš, kas atgādina pupu.
tas nekas, ka gos.
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[Jan. 20th, 2014|04:14 pm]
kas tik viss nenotiek pasaulē
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