per silentium ad as†ra mille - December 4th, 2013 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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December 4th, 2013

[Dec. 4th, 2013|01:42 pm]
vāciņš vienai cibiņai )
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[Dec. 4th, 2013|02:42 pm]
Monsantō žurkas.
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[Dec. 4th, 2013|03:00 pm]
Sapnī Spanis:
I'm Balt and Beautiful!
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[Dec. 4th, 2013|03:06 pm]
lūkošu atrast 18 asv dālerus grāmatai Building Janus: Uncommon Catechism for Uncommon Masonic Education, Volume 4. autōram to Volūmju netrūkst, bet sviestam es nedrīkstu tērēt daudz resursus, aizdaram arī jāatstāj.
lūk, priekšskatījums.

[Uncommon Masonic Education for the Next Generation of Uncommon Masons]
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Financial Times, in dialecs [Dec. 4th, 2013|03:42 pm]

EU Fines Financial Insteetooshuns On over Fixin' Key Benchmarks

J.P. Mo'gan, Société Générale an' Deutsche Bank Among Eight Companies Receivin' Fines


Vanessa Mock in Brussels an'

Abner Enrich in London

Updated Dec. 4, 2013 7:14 a.m, dawgone it. ET

Eight financial insteetooshuns were fined €1.71 billion ($2.32 billion) by European Union regulato's Wednesday fo' colludin' in an attempp t'manipulate key benchmark interess rates, th' EU's largest-evah penalty in a cartel case.

Th' settlements involved penalties aginst some of th' wo'ld's mos' trimenjus banks, includin' Deutsche Bank AG, Société Générale SA, Royal Bank of Scotlan' Group PLC an' J.P. Mo'gan Chase & Co. Th' ackshun brin's t'roughly €6 billion th' total penalties levied by regulato's aginst financial, ah reckon...

eu finse finAncial institutio|\|z over fixing key benchmarks

jh. P// moRgan, société générlaE and deutsche bank among ieght companEizz recievni gfines


vanessa moX0r in bfriusseLs and

adv1d enrich in london

uipdated d3c!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4, 2013 7:14 A... m!!!!!!!!!!111~~ et

iegghjt financial institutionz were fni3d €1 1 bIlliOn ($2.. 32 bil71on) by european uniion regu7ators wedneSday f0r co7ludiong in an atrtempt to manipul8k ey b3nchmqakr inTeresT rAtes, the eus larges-tever p3nalty 1n a cartel case,,,

ht3 settlemEntz imvoilved penaltesi againsT s0me of th3 worldz biggest b4nks, including detusch3 bvanK ag, sociéTé générale sa, royal bank 0f scotland group plc and j~~~~~ p.. MORGAN CHASE & CO. teh Action bring zto roUgh7y €6 billion tedh tota7 penalteis leveid by r3gulat0rz agqaints financ1al.. OLOOLOLO!!!!!!!!!!11~ ,,,

EU Fines Financial Institititions Obeh Fixigg Key Benchmarks

Dg.P. DOIHH!Morgan, Société Générale 'n Deutsche Bank Among Eite C'panies Receibigg Fines


Banessa Mock in Brussels 'n

Dabid Enrich in London

Updatid Dec. 4, 2013 7:14 a.m. ET

Eite financial institititions webuhre finid €1.71 billion ($2.32 billion) by European Uon regulators Webuhdnesday f' colludigg in an attempp to manipulate key benchmark innerest rates, duuhhhh, de EU's largest-ebeh penalty in a cartel case.

De settlemins inbolbid penalties against some of the, uh, the world's biggest banks, duuhhhh, includigg Deutsche Bank AG, Société Générale SA, Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC 'n Dg.P. Morgan Chase & Co. De ackion briggs t' rough €6 billion the, duh uhh, total penalties lebiid by regulators against financial...

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