per silentium ad as†ra mille - October 11th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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October 11th, 2011

usurers' dilemma [Oct. 11th, 2011|02:42 am]
gatavojoties tiesu darbiem, šovakar ar otru bandas bezlocekļa locekli, vainu un vīnu iestiprinošos apstākļos, ar iepriekšēju nodomu un minimālā grupā pēc Hāgas profesōru ieteikuma noskatījāmies Reimōna Depardōna dokumentālo filmu Délits flagrants.

par filmu neko neteikšu. ja esmu ko šovasar mācījies, tad tik to, ka runāšana nav nekāds sudrabs. pārsvarā sūd... ai, ko nu par skumjo.
ar interesi konstatēju, ka viena no viņa pirmajām filmām ir par Janu Palahu.

par Ķīļa spēlēm arī neko neteikšu, jo šovakar nebija amzierīgs prāts, toties Satōrī tiku pie Ezras Paunda episkajiem dziedinājumiem, The Cantos.

England and Austria were for despots with commerce
put back the Pope but
reset no republics: Venice, Genova, Lucca
and split up Poland in their soul was usura
and in their hand bloody oppression
and that son of a dog, Rospigliosi,
came into Tuscany to make serfs of old Tuscans.
S..t on the throne of England, s..t on the Austrian sofa
In their soul was usura and in their minds darkness
and blankness, greased fat were four Georges
Pus was in Spain, Wellington was a jew's pimp
and lacked mind to know what he effected.
'Leave the Duke, Go for gold!'
In their souls was usura and in their hearts cowardice
In their minds was stink and corruption
Two sores ran together,
and hell pissed up Metternich
Filth stank as in our day
'From the brigantine Incostante'
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Dr Wiideo [Oct. 11th, 2011|05:09 pm]
an apple a day keeps doctor in bay
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