Smoke and mirrors, I still wonder |
[Aug. 16th, 2011|03:27 pm] |
paldies par atbalstu! pirmās ziņas ir pozitīvas, lai gan skaidrības galīgi nav nekādas.
it kā baigais prieks, it kā gribas uzvilkt kaut ko no anzambļa Smokey. bet smoukijs nebūs, labāk tīru E.L.Ō. |
war vai newar |
[Aug. 16th, 2011|10:15 pm] |
Ko man vēstures skolotājs aizmirsa izstāstīt par Napoleōna kariem
1740 on…
Russia, because of its cheap slave/serf labor, produces 80% of the western world’s cannabis hemp and finished hemp products, and is, by far, the world’s best-quality manufacturer of cannabis hemp for sails, rope, rigging and nets. Cannabis is Russia’s number-one trading commodity – ahead of its furs, timber and iron.
1740 to 1807
Great Britain buys 90% or more of its marine hemp from Russia; Britain’s navy and world sea trade runs on Russian hemp; each British ship must replace 50 to 100 tons of hemp every year or two. There is no substitute; flax sails, for example, unlike hemp sails, would start rotting in three months or less from salt air and spray. |
[Aug. 16th, 2011|11:10 pm] |
pirms miega mans drags Bils Hikss |