per silentium ad as†ra mille - July 6th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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July 6th, 2008

svētdiena [Jul. 6th, 2008|12:29 pm]
šodien varētu aizbraukt līdz vietai Šarlottenburgā, kur Stefans izleca no viesnīcas 42. numuriņa loga, un nodziedāt A Song for Douglas after He's Dead.
es grieztos kā vilciņš. tur labi piestāvētu zila kleita un citi malvīniski motīvi.

He crouches on the floor
There's a mask on the wall
And he leafs through the pages of a book
But wait as he may in the shadow of other leaves
His heart in embraces to times long since scorched

no otras puses, šo gājienu un riņķa deju var arī atlikt. tāpat es neredzēšu to, ko viņš.

In the crunch of the snow as his darkness increases
A twilight of ice encircles his teeth

no trešās puses, noteikti jāaiziet. visas asaras, poētiski izsakoties, jau sen sarūsējušas.

There father and son
Shall mingle in dust
As if life itself
Has been mostly illusion but partially real
And partially pain

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