per silentium ad as†ra mille - November 9th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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November 9th, 2007

CTOJ, KTO IDIOT?!?! [Nov. 9th, 2007|12:08 am]
mums ir:
šnabis Marusja, daudz
metaksa Metaxa *x7
jautrs garastāvoklis
divi D-ski
trīs D-ska
četri D-sku.
ejam dejot?
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raja [Nov. 9th, 2007|12:42 am]
un tagad fiuma, kas ir guvusi milzīgsu ienākumus
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[Nov. 9th, 2007|09:10 am]
drīz viņu jau redzēja slājam pēc melnas, melnas kokakōlas baltā, baltā pudelē
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[Nov. 9th, 2007|10:18 am]
we could rock instead of rolling
a joint
we could fock instead of rolling
on and above the floor
come to me armahhgideon i'm
your door
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