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the importance of saulriets Nov. 23rd, 2019|12:42 pm

“We played this summer festival in Latvia in 2016 and we had his really great show, our first show where the crowd was just going crazy in a new way. It was bizarre to get that kind of reaction—where it feels like we’re Metallica or something—because the music is so relaxed. After we played, we were all on this nice, natural high, and we walked over to a beach that was part of the festival. At that time of year in Latvia, the sun goes down really late at night. We sat down and looked at this gorgeous sunset just going on for hours and hours. It was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. And I remember thinking to myself, ‘This is where I should be right now. This is the place I'm kind of meant to be.’ It was this moment of clarity, and I put it in the chorus of ‘Heavenly.’ I turned that feeling into something more romantic, but it came from the beauty of witnessing that sunset forever.”


dziesma ir so-so, bet lasīt šādus vārdus vienalga patīkami. ka tik neesmu saulrietu nacionālists.
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