Apr. 11th, 2018|06:42 pm |
apkopoju šodien savu čillī grāmatvedību. divu mēnešu laikā kopš sēklas ieliku mitrumā (čillīši dīgst lēni, 2-3 nedēļas ir standarts, bet šoreiz ietaupīju laiku, diedzējot siltumā, pie radiādōriem), esmu apaudzis ar 95 podiņiem, kuros tup 166 sprīdi-divus gari dēsti no 25ām šķirnēm. smagu sirdi piekritu mijai, ka vairāk par pusi no bēbīšiem līdz ražai neiznēsāšu, tālab acumirklī apsveru, kā atbrīvoties no 50 podiem, pretī gūstot maksimālu labumu – i naudu, i graudu, i vēl to tur, uz bē. vienvārdsakot, es vēl apsveru, kādu dziedojumu lūgt (3-5), bet vēl svarīgāk būtu rudenī dabūt pretī sēklas no pāris pipariem. [kvadrātiekavās – cik podiņi dabonami]

1 [1] Tasmanian Brown Habanero CAPSICUM CHINENSE Tasmanian Brown Habanero, a Chinense from the Caribbean. The plant grows nice and bushy and gets to around 1-1.5 meters tall in a pot. The branches and leaves are thin thus making it bushy in appearance. The pods look really cool and weird shaped with a thick top and a pointy bottom. The reason they are called Tasmanian Habanero may be because they resemble the shape of Tasmania, a state of Australia. The pods start with a nice green and then go to a brown colour once ripe. The pods have a really thick flesh and don’t have a stingy burn, but a nice deep burn. An awesome producer and great looking plant in either pot or ground. Flavour: It has an amazing habanero flavour, crisp and fruity without that earthy taste, that some habaneroes have. You get a bit of an apple flavour in the background. Heat: Hot

2 [2] Caterpillar Chilli CAPSICUM CHINENSE Aribibi Gusano or Caterpillar chilli is a very cool looking and rare little plant from Bolivia. Gusano means “Worm” in Spanish, so that’s where they get the name, as they look like a little worm or caterpillar, very very cool. The Caterpillar Chilli is a beautiful looking plant. It grows to around 60 cm in a pot and has sort of an umbrella shape. An amazing producer of hundreds of pods. The pods are about 4-5 cm long, 1 cm wide and look like a Caterpillar with their wrinkles. They start off a light green, then change to a creamy white and finishing white. Looks spectacular and is a new favourite of ours. Flavour wise: Crisp and fresh with a sweet flavour. Heat wise: Stingy habanero heat. Surprisingly hot.

3 [3] Cheiro Roxa CAPSICUM CHINENSE Cheiro Roxa is a stunning variety from Brazil. The plant grows great in a pot as well as in the ground to over a metre high. In between the dark foliage you will see these unique purple and peach coloured pods. Even the shape is stands out. This will be a pride in your pepper garden. The peppers give a great kick and you can use them dried or fresh in any cooking. Translucent colour change going from purple, pink and peach colour during ripening. We can only recommend this beauty. It is stunning with amazing translucent colours, great heat and flavour. One of our favourite chilli varieties and furthermore a great producer. Pods size: 2.5-3.0 cm wide and long. Flavour: Slightly sweet Chinense flavour without the earthy habanero taste. Heat level: Hot

4 [4] Black Thai TQ Pepper ‘STUNNING BLACK PODS’ CAPSICUM ANNUUM We don’t know the origin of the Black Thai TQ, but we do know it is one of the most stunning looking chillies we have. We got the seeds years ago by our mate Chris in the US. This plant looks amazing. It grows well in a pot and even better in the ground. In a pot it grows to about a metre high and it a great producer of 10 – 12 cm long pods. The pods start off a deep black and stay black for ages till they turn a vibrant red. This is one of our absolute favourite chilli varieties and we are sure you will love it as well. It is breathtaking once it is packed with pods with both colours on it. Another bonus beside the look is the nice sweet and fresh flavour the pods have. Flavour wise: They have a slightly sweet, fresh and capsicum like flavour and it stays for a fair while. Heat wise: A nice mid heat. A chilli for everyone.

5 [1] Chocolate Bhut x Yellow 7 pod – An amazing producer of super hot pods

6 [3] Biquinho Iracema – rare Chinense variety that will take your breath away

7 [4] Chocolate Bih Jolokia – an amazing producer of sweet, crunchy and juicy pods with a light naga flavour

8 [1] Fidalga Amarillo – a C. Chinense from Brazil. A beautiful chilli with little yellow pods with a fruity and sweet flavour

9 [1] Sili-A-Top – a beautiful Baccatum from the Philippines with a fresh citrus fruity flavour and an upper mid heat

10 [3] Turkish Snake – a very cool looking and rare chilli pepper from Turkey with a sweet flavour and medium heat

11 [3] Carolina Reaper – around 1.5 million SHU and current World Hottest Chilli. The Carolina Reaper HP22B was awarded the Guinness World Record in November of 2013.

12 [2] THSC Chocolate Trinidad Scorpion – around 1.4 million SHU. THSC Chocolate Trinidad Scorpion Pepper is our strain. We have been working on this variety for many years to increase both heat and pod size. Now they are ready and we are proud of the result.

14 [3] Bhut Jolokia – former recorder holder with over 1 million SHU. Bhut Jolokia is a former Guinness World Record Holder. For many years it was considered to be the world’s hottest chilli. It is almost twice as hot as the previous record holder Red Savina. It is still one of the hottest chillies in the world, but the 7 Pod Peppers and Trinidad Scorpion Peppers are hotter.

16 [4] Giant Asian Birds Eye – for Asian cooking and excellent for pickling

17 [5] Bert the Chilli – CAPSICUM BACCATUM from Australia. Our favourite chilli for pickling, but it would be a great chilli for any dish. Fantastic producer.

18 [3] Aji Lemon Chilli – Great for seafood with a bit of kick and they have the most amazing citrus scent when they are dried.

20 [1] Butch T Scorpion – the hottest chilli we ever tried and former World Hottest Chilli

24 [2] Hangjiao 7 Super Nova ‘CHINESE SPACE CHILLI‘ CAPSICUM ANNUUM In 1987 Jiang Xingcun, a scientist with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, discovered that sending vegetable seeds including chilli seeds into space exposing them to zero gravity increased the mutation rates by hundreds of times. This method resulted in increased size of the chillies and improved yield. The reason for the space programs were to find a solution on how to feed China’s growing population. Since that time, China has sent more than 400 plant seed species to space. Hangjiao 7 Super Nova is another awesome chilli variety, that has spend time in zero gravity. It grows to about 50-60 cm in a pot. The chillies are huge, up to 20 cm long and 1-1.5 cm wide. Some are straight, but most of them are twisted. Like the other space chillies it is very prolific.Be one of the first to grow the space chillies. Flavour: It taste a like a fresh pea. Would be great in a salsa, a salad or just as a snack. Heat level: Mild

25 [2] Urubu Chilli CAPSICUM CHINENSE Urubu Chilli is a C. Chinense from Brazil and it looks like it may carry some C. Frutescens in it as well. It’s a very rare chilli and you won’t find much information about them. The plant is very bushy and an amazing producer of teardrop shaped pods. Heat-wise the pods hit fairly quickly and slowly builds with a deep burn – just under habanero heat. The pods are 3-3.5 cm long and 1.5 cm in diameter end up orange in colour, when they are ripe. The Urubu chilli would be great for cooking, because of the well balanced heat. Flavour: Crunchy, slightly bitter/salty with a light habanero flavour. Heat level: Upper mid heat. |